
How can you create NFTs?

Learning how to generate an NFT is important if you want to take advantage of the benefits of virtual assets to make money.

How to generate an NFT?

To generate an NFT you need to follow certain steps since these tokens use different areas of knowledge such as computer science and programming to marketing.

Because of this, as a first step you will have to take your time to decide what is going to be the subject of the token, and then continue with the other steps. The next steps would be to choose the platform you will use to have your NFT or collection and the wallet you will want to use.

All this will give you different properties that you will have to contrast with the goals of your plan to determine if it is the best choice.

What does it mean to mint NFT?

Before you start generating an NFT it is essential that you first mint your document to a blockchain. Once we talk about minting we are referring to a method in which a digital file is converted into a crypto collectible.

This process is very similar to the one used to produce cryptocurrencies that will later be released to the market. Afterward, you will decide how many NFTs you will mint, and then you will have to make the transaction to continue the process, this step being necessary to have a popular NFT.

Characteristics of a successful NFT

Making a famous NFT needs time, money, and effort, so it is not something that happens quickly.

According to several specialists, the most relevant thing about an NFT is that it has the personality to differentiate it from the competition because nowadays there are many similar projects.

At the same time, this assignment is related to the design of all the collectible works that the plan will have and the effort to be the most eye-catching and viable.

What are the best programs to produce NFT?

Currently, there are several programs to generate your NFT and each one has properties that you should evaluate before making a final choice.

The most popular is undoubtedly OpenSea, which is the most used at the moment, to the point that it allows us to develop projects from scratch or generate a marketplace to sell them.

There are other platforms but this is where you need to investigate which one is the best for your project.

Steps to produce your NFT

Once you have created your account on the site of your choice, the next thing to do is to upload your document to the web. You will have the ability to upload from melody, videos, photographs, and more.

Then, you can decide how many units of the file you want to mint, although this will depend on the properties of each platform.

Now, if you want to sell your collection, you will have to go to the ‘profile’ section and choose the one you want to market. In addition, you are likely to choose the duration of the marketing or reserve the plan for a specific buyer. As it is, once you create your NFT a huge amount of modalities open up for you to take advantage of.


Here we have left you with the steps normally used by a person who is going to generate NFTs of the things they do, this can be an artist or a private person. There is also the option of hiring a marketing agency.

Here at The Blue Manakin, we support you to turn the idea of your collection into reality, contact us.

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