What can be converted into NFTs?

As we have mentioned before in our blog posts, we identify NFTs as non-tangible assets that can be bought and sold.

It is the market and people who attribute a value to them even though they are not objects or services but simply fully digital assets that do not deteriorate through use and can be replicated without deterioration, these can be anything from a meme, an MP3, a skin for a video game. Imagination is our only limit.

That is why we will show you a list of the most curious NFT to demonstrate that anything can be:

  • The first-ever tweet.
  • The flying cat meme: Nyan Cat
  • “Morons white” by Banksy.
  • Daft Punk by Lohan.
  • The first NFT album is the new work of the rock band Kings of Leon.
  • Virtual furniture.
  • Shoe filter. Gucci sells virtual sneakers in NFT format.
  • Time covers.
  • Artwork Everyday: The First 5,000 Days, the most expensive NFT ever sold.
  • The doodle of a bridge.
  • Pringles and Taco bell with cyber flavors and taco gifs.
  • Coca-cola with their friendship boxes.


NFTs are undoubtedly big e-commerce and virtual commerce trend where huge amounts of money have been moved.

There are already many different collections as well as many unique items that are available in the form of NFT, if you have a great project idea contact us and we can help you. Imagination is the only limit.

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