What are DAPPS?

Un recurso fundamental en el crecimiento de la economía descentralizada, es el desarrollo de las DAPPS o Decentralized applications, que significan un nuevo paso en la integración a de las DeFi a nuevos esquemas de mercado que quitan poder a la intermediación de las empresas.

A simple way to understand a DAPP is by making a comparison with the mobile applications of any smartphone or computer, with the difference that these work from the blockchain technology. This keeps user data out of the control of any company or organization. In the same way that a cryptocurrency is equivalent to a decentralized economic asset, DAPPS are decentralized developments

The nature in which the blockchain works, through nodes independent of a developer, which are actually computers owned by the participants, explains very simply how DAPPS is possible from its decentralized approach.

The importance of DAPPS in the present and in the near future is that there is an infinite diversity of them and their different applications. Since they can manifest themselves in financial applications, but also in entertainment such as social networks or games and many productivity tools. Its application, however, is currently only maintained within the financial environment.

One of the most important drivers of the development of DAPPS is Ethereum. Since its creation, the development and creation of DAPPS is one of its main priorities.

With this simple principle, the scope of a decentralized application is clearly greater. Especially in terms of privacy and security of users. A clear example to understand it is the case of social networks. Unlike the real world, the creator of a DAPP does not have any discretionary control over how their application is used; that is to say that being a decentralized development, it does not give its creator the power to regulate the publications that are made, nor can it block certain users, or establish the famous “community norms” that in social networks such as Facebook or YouTube are a real headache.

A DAPP owner cannot sell the data of its users, since it does not own it. This simple distinction compared to all kinds of conventional developments makes a huge difference, as it gives users peace of mind and a completely private experience.

The Smart Contracts , are the main reason that makes the existence of Dapps possible. Given their automated nature, smart contracts are a series of programmatic protocols free from human interference, designed to execute exact orders under specific conditions. That is why they are such a standardized financial tool. Well, a smart contract can be configured to offer loans under particular conditions, or carry out certain operations.

In financial or Decentralized Autonomous Organizations, the DAPPS have a fundamental participation. Well, these are very complete developments of smart contracts distributed throughout the structure of an organization, and whose objective is to replace the participation of human criteria, and be governed only by basic policies, such as the level of participation of an investor according to their volume of investment. investment or tokens .

The financial DAPPS are only the first part of a development with much greater scope. Its application in all corners of the world is only a matter of time.

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