The Lord of the Rings will have its own NFTs
Warner Bros Releases Lord of the Rings NFT Compilation
Warner Bros. is dropping NFTs from its iconic 2001 film “The Lord of the Rings: The Society of the Ring,” analysis revealed Thursday. Functioning as a complete digital experience, NFTs integrate a 4K replica of the film, hours of behind-the-scenes bonus material, massive behind-the-scenes footage, and exclusive AR collectibles inspired by the film.
Properties in the digital age
Consumers today are able to have a greater sense of digital ownership by holding NFTs in their MetaMask wallets.
In addition, it could be argued that self-custody is merely symbolic in this situation, given the control that Eluvio and Warner exercise over the metadata and the ironclad ownership of the IP of the NFT.
Warner’s NFT experiment
Jessica Schell, executive vice president of Warner and general manager of Warner Bros. Discovery Home Entertainment, mentioned that this drop of NFTs is an experiment designed to see if mass market audiences have a craving for web3 resources.
“We want to learn, we want to engage, we want to understand what works in this space,” Schell said of Warner’s approach to Web3.
For now, the launch of LoTR will only allow fans to trade in their entire NFTs as an exclusive bundle on the Warner NFTs marketplace.
Are NFTs going to become a mainstream technology in Hollywood?
NFTs safeguard Warner’s intellectual property from piracy, a fundamental and ongoing concern in the film industry.
“The tape, for example, when broadcast, is DRM protected, and that DRM is implemented by the Eluvio Content blockchain,” Munson said, referring to digital rights management.
“The authorization of the keys that make up the DRM is controlled by means of blockchain contracts, which means that if you do not have this NFT, you cannot transmit that.”
Other examples of adoption of NFTs:
- Lionsgate ha lanzado NFTs para su franquicia de terror “Saw”
- Paramount arrojó NFTs de “Star Trek”
- AMC arrojó NFTs de “Walking Dead” a inicios de este año
- Netflix ha recibido varias críticas por sus NFTs de “Stranger Things”
This is only part of the new technological revolution that we have with the arrival of the blockchain in our world. Soon we will be seeing more adoption of crypto projects in more cases of everyday life.
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