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The best DeFi projects in 2022

Although with a long road already, decentralized finance is the structure of the blockchain that, particularly this year, will undoubtedly see exponential growth throughout 2022, We present the most outstanding DeFi projects for this year.

As you well know, the objectives by definition of DeFi focus on agile management, without unnecessary costs and without intermediaries of financial operations as common as making savings, but as complicated as transferring investment funds. The gradual diversification of decentralized finance into a huge variety of financial tokens, allow us to guess that more and more, the transition of central financial structures to DeFi will be definitive.

These are some of the most promising defi projects

  • Avalanche

It calls itself “The fastest smart contract system on the blockchain”. It is an ambitious project that aims to confront Ethereum with its parallel consolidation in the NFT market.

  • Chainlink

Your strategy is focused on creating smart contracts that bind your application in the real world. The objective is to serve as the link for the expansion of DeFiin conventional financial applications without involving the operational problems that still hinder the comprehensive application of DeFi.

  • Aave

One of the first DeFi systems in the blockchain universe, it is a platform that allows users to exchange assets, receive loans and incentives for deposits in a fully decentralized environment. Aave establishes a fair exchange system through its AAVE coin.

  • Cardano

It is known as the green DeFi project, since its ADA participation protocol allows it to optimize energy use over many other projects. It currently boasts a total investment of $100 million in DeFi, NFT and cryptolearning.

  • Terra/Luna 

It is a network of smart contracts where DeFi and crypto assets converge, while Luna represents the DeFi structure that maintains the ecosystem, Terra is the cryptocurrency of this project. The stability and growth protocols of Terra/Luna make it one of the most attractive DeFi projects for investors during 2022.


It is a blockchain protocol that has a main network and that, together with DeFi networks and projects, offers an expansion of more attractive features than Ethereum.

These are just some of the top DeFi projects in 2022, but this is just the first part of a list that gets more and more interesting to follow.

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