How is an NFT assessed?
The creation and launch of an NFT collection requires knowledge of the elements that make a non-fungible token valuable. Beyond being a digital art collection, there are different factors that are important to know in order to determine the value of an NFT.
On the elements that help to weight the value of goods, consumer items or companies, the way to price an NFT depends on other less conventional elements. The value at which an NFT was first purchased is usually an important indicator, but not the only one. It is difficult to predict the value of an NFT based on its initial selling price.
Both for a buyer and especially for the seller, the value of NFTs is difficult to determine, because assuming an initial value implies meeting certain minimum parameters that are difficult to measure, such as the size of the community, the number of users on Whitelist, even the sites where a collection of NFTs is listed.
What factors determine the value of an NFT?
Usuallythe value of an NFT can be set based on the renown or reputation of the artist, in most cases the value of an NFT at release is usually determined by the following elements:
Rarity of an NFT
Rarity is a highly valuable element in determining the cost of an NFT,especially because of its perceived scarcity in contrast to its demand. In addition, “rarity” items or additional accessories within a collection are often elements that add value to an NFT.
Utility of an NFT
The NFTs associated with real-world tangible assets have a good level of acceptance, especially among the public that is not very familiar with the use of Non-Fungible Tokens. Paradoxically, the value of these tokens is more associated with the use of NFTs for marketing campaigns.
Interoperability of an NFT
The ability to use an NFT in several applications is a quality highly valued by users, especially of NFT Games. The development of interoperable NFTs, however, involves a high level of complexity.
NFT Social Proof
This is a marketing quality that is also highly valued in other sectors and is a determining factor for a successful NFT launch. It is about the strength on social platforms that a collection has, not only the volume of its community, but also its reputation. The success in launch of an NFT collection collection depends largely on its Social Proof.
Ownership history:
Due to its intrinsic ability, it allows to know the history of previous owners, the resale of NFT among reputable people or NFT influencersthe ownership history is usually an element that allows to evaluate a net in a positive way.
Evolution of the NFT ecosystem
In the Blockchain space, NFTs are an asset that is constantly evolving, and whose applications are becoming broader and broader, considering various phases of development in the launch of an NFT collectionwill allow to add in each of them, elements of value that allow to diversify the value approaches of an NFT.
The launch of a new NFT collection is much more than the art of each piece. One of the challenges about expanding NFTs in cans is to help the public understand all the value factors that underlie each token.
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