First steps to buy an NFT
The NFT’s universe is extensive, as the niches and the formats amplify, the quantity of the NFT marketplace expands and offers different conditions. It’s not only about collection objects, but art pieces in different formats, even goods in the physical world. That’s why here we’re going to talk about what you should know before buying and selecting your NFT marketplace.
Before we begin, we must consider the following:
The characteristics of the different NFT markets vary according of the qualities of what you need, it’s also necessary to consider the coin that you’ll need to buy them in the platform.
It is complex, but not too much. It’s enough to know that some markets offer options to pay on Fiat (USD) or cryptocurrencies; while the altcoins in other markets are limited to Metamas, Rainbow or Wallet Connect, the majority of which recognizes $ETH as the currency for these digital goods. It also can be the case that some NFT marketplaces need a different coin like Tezos ($XTZ).
What kinds of markets exist for NFTs?
Before buying NFT and diving into their markets, you must know what kind of NFT do you want to buy. The are sports NFTs, musical NFTs, collectible NFTs, artistic NFTs. According to their category these can be found in different marketplaces. For example, many artistic NFTs can also be found in the collectibles category.
Gas Fee:
Commonly known as gas fees, these are fees that every marketplace collects by transactions and varies slightly from one market to the other.
By acquiring an NFT, the marketplace charges a transaction rate, the amount depends on the platform. In Pumpmygas is possible to consult the rates for buying, selling, and minting NFT’s.
Now that we know the basics in the different types of marketplaces for NFT, you may be wondering, which are the biggest markets?
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