
Crypto Marketing and digital art

Digital art known as NFT has made a big change to the world and the collecting industry, the things that we used to like to have in a tangible way such as collectible cards of a series or program, postage stamps, retro items, or even the art itself.

What brings this new type of collecting is that now this type of art only exists in digital form.

Why are the values so high?

This is because the way these tokens are made, with the same blockchain technology that crypto assets work with, makes them “unique and valuable”, giving this digital art the same scarcity and uniqueness that normal art can have.

For example, I can see a drawing that I like on the internet, download it and I can say that I own it, but in this world that is not the case, since this token works as a certificate that proves that I own the original work.

A fact that caused quite a stir with all this digital art was the sale of the work “Everyday- the first 5000 days” by people which was bought for 69 million dollars.

Now that we know why the value of NFTs we can say that it is something that is just knowing its early stages, the first NFT was created in 2017 so it has plenty of room for growth and there is plenty of opportunity for brands to invest in NFTs as a form of marketing, as the NBA digital card game “Top shot” that promotes players and teams as each card has a different value or the 3d interior designer Andres Reisinger who sells his physical furniture along with an NFT of them.

In the end, the advantage is that owning one of these digital collectibles is the information that makes it different from any other.

We will leave below the differences that this type of crypto asset has with cryptocurrencies:

  • They are not fungible since each NFT has a different value.
  • They are not divisible, an NFT is an NFT and cannot be sold by fractions.
  • They are not mineable. It can be bought and sold as a cryptocurrency as it is a digital asset but only digital content is created or tokenized, it is not mined.

Finally, NFTs despite the bear market we are going through are still a good investment that we are still in time to get into, of course as we always like to say, first we have to do our research before putting our money into something.

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