
Are Web 3.0 and metaverse the same thing?

Lately in the world of cryptocurrencies and the internet of things we have heard concepts such as the metaverse and Web3.

These concepts are still in development and both promise monumental changes to what we know as the internet as a large part of their integration is blockchain technology.

Although both concepts may come together in many articles or commentaries, especially those dealing with cryptocurrencies, it is inescapable to equate metaverse and Web3 because of their differences in criteria.

Metaverse and Web3, the internet of the future

In common, metaverse and Web3 employ technologies concerning the blockchain and both have faithful believers that they are the direct future of what the internet is in our daily lives.

The metaverse is practically a network of virtual universes in 3 magnitudes, a sort of social network that bet on immersive experiences due to technologies such as virtual reality.

The most common at present is gaming and entertainment, but in the medium term, activities focused on teaching, massive virtual events such as concerts or movie previews, etc., could be carried out.

For its part, Web3 aims to be an evolution of the current World Wide Web by integrating decentralized protocols through blockchain so that the user has more privacy.

The differences between Web3 and the metaverse

If the difference between these two titans of the new Internet can be summarized in a short sentence, it is that both are based on the use of blockchain but seek different ends.

In the metaverse, the blockchain is used to detect the customer and/or to make purchases or acquire tokens or cryptocurrencies and at a technical level, the Web3 is based on the blockchain 100%, looking for a decentralized and democratic life.

Two proposals united by the blockchain

The metaverse wants to erase the physical restrictions of virtual space for use in video games, social events, work, health, and so on. For its part, Web3 wants to empower the Internet customer and make the Web more accessible and less dependent on corporate giants.

But undoubtedly what most defines the interrelationship between Web3 and the metaverse is the use of cryptocurrencies, tokens, and NFTs, and, finally, crypto-wallets.

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