NFT para campañas de marketing

The integration of NFTs in brand marketing strategies

What for many experts in blockchain technology is one of the most important developments in recent years, for the public around the world it has aroused a growing and growing interest. Currently 2022 marketing trends point to the inclusion of NFTs in campaigns marketing for different brands.

Only during the last semester of 2021, the public’s interest in NFTs has grown exponentially compared to past periods, this has been something that brands of all kinds have not let go unnoticed, however. In Australia for example, visits during the last master to Open SEA have increased by 4076%

Something so important for a brand, as a new tool to boost its marketing strategies in a spectacular way, has led to the fact that during the last year, many brands will integrate the use of NFT into their marketing campaigns. without deeply knowing its operation or utilities.

As in any new industry, many things are often unknown, possibilities still unexplored and with non-existent rules that in many cases make success a matter of luck. In the same way that success has crowned NFT artists as the most successful in the world for no apparent reason other than chance, integrating NFT to strategies marketing a brand is in many ways a gamble, but in all of them, a gamble with great chances of success.

The integration of NFTs into a conventional marketing strategy faces challenges such as the very nature of marketing as we know it, since in many ways it is a very inexact discipline that depends largely on the ability to adapt , improvisation and creativity of a marketing team. Marketing campaigns without head or tail continue to exist throughout the world that, more than generating positive results, have come to produce confusion and great controversy.

Taking as a starting point that the distribution of a brand’s NFT must be the same as in a conventional advertising campaign, it is extremely necessary to carry out a comprehensive study of market that allows to know the viability that the consumers of a brand know previously or can adopt the NFT as part of the added value of the product. Although there are more and more companies for which using NFT in their Marketing campaigns is a quite profitable idea, there are still many sectors for which it can still be viable.

It is also essential to know what are the possible applications that exist in NFTs. Not everything is art collectibles, there are NFT utilities applicable to security, special access, upgradable tokens, certificates of ownership, NFT badges, collaborative NFTs, and more. Depending on the main objective of a marketing campaign, the variety of NFTs that can be integrated and the projections that a campaign will be able to secure.

According to the level of technological knowledge of a consumer niche, the characteristics of a Marketing campaign with NFT and its success projections. However, the best way to resolve a hypothesis is always to test it. Particularly now, when the development of the metaverse as part of web 3.0 and the continuous evolution of NFTs in more and more practical applications; Considering integrating NFT into a company’s marketing strategies is undoubtedly the right direction to seek to expand a brand’s landscape.

We are experts in the development and integration of NFT in Marketing strategies of companies in all sectors. If you are looking for where and how to iintegrate NFT into your brand positioning campaigns, you have come to the right place.

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