How to classify NFTs according to usefulness?
Although NFTs are a concept that exploded this year, their existence in the digital medium dates back a bit. We speak of 2015 as if it were a remotely distant past, but as the evolution of this medium has been exponential, it seems that it truly is. Just over 5 years ago, John Haegele, an important figure in the sports media in the United States, found an important utility in the NFTs to reinforce the security in the sale of NFL tickets, using a process through the blockchain validation that made it impossible for resellers to counterfeit tickets.
This leads to an inevitable immediate reflection: NFTs can be more than just collectibles and irreplaceable digital properties; they are highly useful technological elements, and with various practical applications in the real world.

Clearly, the current tsunami of NFTs is only a stage, which will not take long to evolve into new application alternatives. The Utility NFT concept is the result of this reflection, and the most important thing is that there are different categories for them.
What is a utility NFTs?
The concept describes itself, fundamentally it is about NFTs that have a direct application or utility, linked to them, added to this the general concept of Non-Fungible Token, it is about genuine utilities that by their nature are impossible to replicate.
Following the emergence in 2017 of Crypto Kitties and CryptoPunks, as forerunners in the NFTS collectibles market; In a second wave, brands such as NBA Top Shot and other giants are leading the trends in this market. This collection consisted of a video of highlights. Despite the infinite universe that fuels the NFT market, the NBA collection stood out for its interactivity. Which suggests that after multimedia assets, interactive assets tend to be the future of NFTs:
Interactive NFTs or NFT 2.0 are, beyond assets that can be interacted with, exhibited, shared, and commercialized; rather, they increasingly encompass more complex and diverse qualities. The Utilitarian NFTs or uNFT are the result of this evolution.
What are the different categories of utility NFTs?
The new trend that experts envision for NFTs is focused on uNFTs. Why is this discussion so important? Utility NFTs are believed to be the future of this industry, based on user demand.
The classifications are:
- Access NFT: They allow access to exclusive online and offline experiences that include events with celebrities, athletes, premium content and much more.
- Community NFTs: Ownership of Exclusive NFTs guarantees access to exclusive fan communities.
- Gamified NFTs: Users compete within a platform for special NFTs that they can obtain as an advantage in their activities, or the category obtained in the game universe.

- Fantasy NFT: This is a subcategory of game NFT, where users represent different players for weekly fantasy games and who in turn represent different sports teams and disciplines.
- Engagement NFTs: Although a little explored concept, these NFTs are created to engage with other users within a community. Something like the integration of networks like Twitch or Discord.
- Social NFTs: They are NFTs that can be used socially in a single community or in the entire NFT universe, such as GIFs, Emojis, badges, etc.
NFTs in essence can be understood in a more practical way as digital assets that can be used regularly in some function. Contrary to the classic dynamics of NFTs, where they are static collections that have no other destination than to be part of a portfolio and eventually be commercialized, uNFTs have a more practical application.
The evolution of NFT marketing is driving a new platform of great relevance for brands, and its diversification in uNFT is key to this. In a market that has grown exponentially almost untimely, the need to stand out results in the adhesion of new properties to the traditional format of an NFT.
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