An advertising agency for cryptocurrencies !?
After 20 years of working in the world of digital communication and the technological development of digital services at a global level, the next step is clear. The digital world has grown so much that the fine thin line has finally disappeared. Everything is digital. Why set up a communication agency for cryptocurrencies? Well, the answer is obvious.
There no longer exist a division between the offline and the digital world. The concept of 360 and other words with which at some point they filled our heads, has stopped being relevant. There is currently no campaign, promotion or project that does not go through one or more digital channels, or that only uses a digital platform. If everything is digital, then our skills and specialization have stopped making a difference, running in the risk of being irrelevant.
For example: Some time ago, I remember that in many meetings, I was introduced as a digital native, almost the only one in the room, a “geek”, a “techie”, a “developer” (that I have never been, ” a blogger” and other words I never felt identified. So I was a “Digital Native”, but currently, who is not one?
After years of being experts in the digital sector and specializing in various environments, industries, communities and platforms, we have found the key to reach this threshold. The moment and tools to be part of a more defined path have arrived, not only defining our skills, channels, languages, but also our clients and sector.
Qué podría ser mejor al sector de las criptomonedas, para alguien que siempre ha formado parte de lo último. El mundo de las The world of Cryptocurrencies and NFT’sis not only a trend, it is the present, and the future.
Why Blue Manakin?
So this is how The Blue Manakin was born, as a combination of our three most important qualities: Our extensive knowledge of the world of cryptocurrencies, our experience in the digital world using highly efficient processes, and optimizing resources, we are able to offer first-rate services, at lower costs, and our presence in the Spanish-speaking market where the crypto market is emerging.
What is the reason for calling us Blue Manakin? Simple: This little bird is a prime example of teamwork and what the use of best practices can achieve. A male goes to other younger specimens who join in his vital task: to conquer his mate. They create a choreography together, practice it for weeks until it turns into a wonderful and foolproof piece; then they accompany the male in the courtship ritual and when the star moment arrives, the synchronized dance ( just like a Flash mob) takes place in front of the female who always has the last word.
For us as Blue Manakin, teamwork, technique, talent, discipline and all the tactical elements are the things that makes everything possible. Learning from the youngest, but also finding in them the support that the team needs. The colors, the joy and the delicate synchronicity. His lesson is about acting only when we know we are ready to do so. Break a Leg!
Luca Zollino, CEO & Co-Founder The Blue Manakin.
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