October 6, 2021
Cryptoworld Glossary
El mundo de las cryptocurrencies y los activos digitales cada vez se expande mucho más, y si bien alguna vez hemos escuchado conceptos como «Minar bitcoin«, mientras más aprendemos, conocemos palabras que quizá podamos no entender del todo. A continuación de explicaremos algunos de los términos más usuales para el criptomundo:
- Blockchain: En palabras coloquiales, es un enorme libro digital en el que están todas las transferencias que se han hecho con la divisa digital, sirve para tener una base de datos que se guarda en computadoras distribuidas por distintas partes del mundo.
- Cryptocurrency: Like money as we know it (bills and coins), it is a means of exchange to purchase products or services, but its particularity is that it is digital.
- Encryption: It is a known method in computing, to hide the information of the users, in this way the exchange of user data is protected, as well as the process data.
- P2P: It refers to a decentralized network where all users interact with each other. This type of network allows the direct exchange of information between two or more users.
- ICO’s: For its acronym in English, it translates as Initial coin offerings, occurs when someone makes an offer of a new cryptocurrency in exchange for existing cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum, it can be understood as a type of exchange.
- Wallet: It is where cryptocurrencies are stored, so thanks to these users can send and receive these, without the need for intermediaries, there are 4 types of wallets, computer wallets, mobile or tablet wallets, online wallets, and physical wallets.
- Token: It is the unit of value, or the digital asset hosted on the blockchain, which allows the user to attribute it to third parties as a payment method.
- Whitelist: Private list to which users can enter by completing certain verifications, when entering they will be able to obtain access to benefits such as being able to buy the Token before their departure.
- Whitepaper: A guide document that contains a detailed description of the project, such as where it was born, what is its purpose, if it has an ICO, it explains its financing, how many will be available and lays the foundation to attract investors.
- Altcoin: Refers to all those currencies that are not bitcoin or that are outside the top ten cryptocurrencies in terms of their capitalization.
- Stablecoin: Token created to maintain a stable value in the volatile market of cryptocurrencies. These are linked to a fiat currency such as the dollar or the euro, to a basket of currencies or to a specific type of asset.
- ADDY: Term to refer to the address of a wallet.
- Smart contract: It is a computer code stored in the blockchain, which makes it easy to verify and enforce a contract automatically.
- Roadmap: It is a route that shows the objectives to which the project wants to reach and what things will happen once these goals are met.
- Consensus protocol: It is the way in which the blocks in the blockchain are closed, giving way to transactions and the generation of a reward with the currency that is being worked on. This consensus occurs when all miners agree that the block is correct and can be integrated into the blockchain.
Esperamos que este breve glosario sea de su utilidad para no sentirse tan perdido al momento de leer artículos, post o ver videos con términos como estos, sintiéndose más cómodo mientras se adentra cada vez más en este mundo interesante y complejo.
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