Cryptocurrencies are a world that works in a totally different way, this is why it has its own language. In the text below you will find words that will help you understand and communicate in this world in a professional way.
Altcoin:Any currency that is not a Bitcoin.
ADDY: Refers to the public address of a cryptocurrency.
“AMA’s”Ask Me Anything or Ask What You Want, is an activity among users of the crypto world where they have the opportunity to ask everything about each project.
ATH: Highest peak at which a cryptocurrency has been found.
BAGHODLER: It is someone who has bought and held a cryptocurrency for a long time.
Bear: It is the person who sells and plays against the currency.
Bull: That person who buys and makes the currency go up.
Burn: It is the action of transferring native Cryptocurrencies to an account where they will be permanently stored, said action must be public knowledge in order to validate the operation.
Bitcoin (BTC):First Crypto created by Satoshi Nakamoto.
CryptocurrencyIs a virtual currency or digital assets that are interchangeable and are not within the control of the government or financial institution
Smart contractAn alternative contract that arises as a substitute to paper contracts, this has the ability to be executed without the need for third parties.
Swap: When you change any cryptocurrency to another or change from current money to cryptocurrencies.
Decentralization:This comes from not being part of any government institution or financial institution.
Dapp: They are decentralized applications that allow you to create services that are not managed by a single entity.
Dump: Time to sell a cryptocurrency.
Ethereum (ETH): Global platform for decentralized applications with open source.
FAQ: Frequently asked questions found in a section on the project website.
FOMO: Fear of losing the opportunity to win on an investment.
Fork: A bifurcation occurs when creating a code parallel to the main one.
FUD: Strategy used in the crypto world to sabotage a project with these feelings: Fear, insecurity, doubt (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt.)
Hodl: It comes from the phrase “Hold On For Dear Life” which refers to not letting go of what is in your hand.
ICO (Initial Coin Offering): It has to do with the financing of projects, such as the birth and development of a new cryptocurrency.
Mining: Issue new crypto assets and confirm operations on the blockchain.
NFT: Piece of digital art with a digital certificate of ownership.
Node: While the miner is the node it validates the transactions and creates the blocks, the node refers to the computer network of each machine.
BLOCKCHAIN PROTOCOL: It is the algorithm that creates the rules of the game that must be met by the blocks in order to form the chain.
Roadmap: Guide that is used in crypto projects to know the path that they will take.
Rekt: Investor who has been ruined by the fall in the price of his investment.
Shitcoin: Cryptocurrency without a future.
To the moon: It refers to the moment when a coin rises.
Token: It is a unit of value. “A digital asset hosted on a blockchain that allows its owner to be attributed to a third party through the blockchain.”
NFT-whale: They are people who own a large amount of a currency by manipulating the price of the currency.
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