NFT influencers are becoming increasingly popular as the metaverse expands. People interested in NFT trading want to know more about how to do it and seek out influencers for it. There are all kinds of NFT influencers, some teach how to create NFT and others explain how to invest in NFT. You can follow various NFT influencers, depending on what you want to learn and how you want to use NFT marketing. The sooner you get into NFTs and the metaverse, the sooner you can start generating profits from it. Top 10 on Twitter 1.RealMissNFT She enjoys creating innovative works of art like NFT. There is a lot of buzz about their work in progress – Metanatics. This project allows users to create fun avatars and exist in the metaverse. Followers: 159.7K 2. Criptobaristas. As the world’s first NFT coffee shop, @cryptobaristas has caught the attention of thousands of Twitter users. This NFT influencer also raises awareness about the coffee industry, supports reforestation efforts in Honduras, and creates NFTs for deep L lovers. Followers: 8.5k 3. Farokh Although @farokh doesn’t create NFT, he influences the NFT community. This influencer loves to collect artwork like NFT and owns several pieces like Make Love Not War by AlienqueenNFT and artwork from Cory Van Lew’s watch collection. Followers: 236.1 4. DeezeFi. @DeezeFi is the director of the Twitter channel @fractional_art. His NEONDAO project allows users to create detailed avatars with new features in the metaverse. Followers: 190k 5. Ohhshiny. @ohhshiny has teamed up with two other NFT influencers to create DIGITAL. He expresses his passion for NFT by promoting NFT developers, sharing NFT and cryptocurrency trends, and sharing ideas on NFT development. Followers: 129k 6. Dikasso Going back to the creators of NFT, let’s talk about @Dikasso_. @Dikasso_ also collects NFT, including artwork from Rarible, Based Fish Mafia, and Tide Estates. Followers: 23k 7. j1mmy.eth. This company offers a range of NFT solutions including realistic Ethereum-powered avatars and tools for brands to launch and manage their own NFTs. Users who follow this NFT influencer will also taste that NFT42 monitors the most active NFT community and offers mini-competitions built on Ethereum in Metaverse. Followers: 118k 8. Nounsdao. To expand its reach and notoriety, this brand has launched several campaigns in which it rewards users of the NFT range for making creations to match its iconic glasses. In addition, these reds were featured in Super Bowl commercials. Followers: 43k 9. Richerd.eth. @richerd co-founded Manifold to provide NFT developers with the tools they need. This software works with OpenSea and developers can easily create NFT collections. Followers: 145K 10.Beaniemaxi. Twitter users flock to @beaniemaxi for advice on selling NFT, investing in NFT, and how trends in the physical world are affecting the metaverse. Followers: 182k Top 10 on Instagram 1. Mark Cuban Mark Cuban is a big shark (pun intended) in the world of cryptocurrencies, NFTs, and investors. Before considering NFTs, Cuban focused on cryptocurrencies, but the rapid growth of the NFT market caught the attention of these investors.
Followers: 17.M 2. GmoneyNFT GmoneyNFT does not do NFT but strives to keep its followers updated on NFT and the metaverse. These influencers also host events in the metaverse and donate proceeds to various foundations. Followers: 41K 3. BromasyNFT. He is the founder of NFTBoxes, a company that provides users with custom boxes containing NFT collections. Talented artists have created this NFT box, and users can find keys (they have to find more to get the jackpot) and lots of art. followers: 21K 4. Artchick. Art chick is an NFT creator, motivational speaker, UX designer, and painter. He is known for promoting and celebrating other NFT artists, photographers, designers, and painters in the physical world. Followers: 3.9k 5. Mattmedved. Art chick is an NFT creator, motivational speaker, UX designer, and painter. He is known for promoting and celebrating other NFT artists, photographers, designers, and painters in the physical world. Followers: 83K 6. Garyvee. Garyvee developed his project, Vee friends, to create a community and knowledge base for all NFT beginners and professionals. Users can also view his NFT collection and attend educational sessions to increase their knowledge of the metaverse. Followers: 9.8M 7. Snoop Dogg. He recently admitted that he has held digital tokens for $17 million in NFT stock under a pseudonym. Snoop Dogg’s main ambition in the NFT world is to turn Death Row Records into NFT’s first record label. Followers: 70M 8. beeple_crap Mike Winkelmann, also known as Beeple, is a digital artist, animator, and graphic designer best known for creating and selling non-consumable assets. The influencer has created a powerful digital space with his tweets and posts about NFT and cryptocurrencies. Followers: 2.4 million 9. Bosslogic Kode Abdo, conocido como Bosslogic, es un artista digital de primer nivel que vende su trabajo después de convertirlo en un activo. Hasta la fecha, Boss Logic ha vendido 2.042 obras de arte y la obra está valorada en aproximadamente $5.383.856,80. Seguidores: 2,2 millones 10. ELLIOTRADES Elliotrades is a social media influencer, cryptocurrency trader, and YouTuber dedicated to cryptocurrencies. His decentralized trading strategy, “play to win” games and advisory techniques attract a large audience on his social media platforms. Followers: 504K Top 5 on YouTube 1. RyandCrypto Instead of creating NFT projects, this YouTube channel shares information about NFT projects. Users are learning how to multiply their earnings through NFT projects and RyandCrypto loves to fund creations where they see potential.
Followers: 41k 2. The Bitcoin Express For cryptocurrency and NFT newbies and professionals, The Bitcoin Express will help you broaden your understanding of this universe. This YouTube channel discusses Ethereum, privacy and security in the metaverse, and the latest news on these concepts. Followers: 182K 3. Giancarlo buys tokens The above two YouTube channels reported on much more than just NFT. Some popular topics designed by this NFT influencer are free NFT tools, the best free NFT, and how to buy tons more NFT in 2023. Followers: 95k 4. JRNY Crypto. If you’re looking