
How is Generative AI Impacting Sales?

How is Generative AI Impacting Sales?

The Emergence of AI in Sales While finance, logistics, and marketing have been quick to adopt digital technologies, sales has lagged behind. However, the introduction of generative AI models like Microsoft’s Viva Sales and Salesforce’s Einstein GPT are setting the stage for a paradigm shift. Now, sales is positioned to rapidly become a leading adopter of generative AI, with AI-powered systems anticipated to become indispensable tools for salespeople and sales managers alike. The Opportunities and Challenges for Sales Despite its promise, realizing the true potential of generative AI presents challenges. The technology must be seamlessly integrated into sales processes and workflows, overcoming the potential for inaccurate or inconsistent conclusions. Further, achieving the full power of these systems requires customization and fine-tuning to fit company-specific contexts—a potentially expensive process demanding scarce AI expertise. What’s Possible: The Potential of Generative AI in Sales Generative AI brings three key benefits to sales organizations: reversing administrative creep, enhancing customer interactions, and assisting sales managers. By automating mundane tasks and providing personalized customer interaction recommendations, generative AI tools can boost productivity and improve customer engagement. For sales managers, AI can transform reporting systems into powerful forward-looking tools. The Journey to Value: Navigating the Adoption of Generative AI in Sales As generative AI is relatively new and rapidly evolving, organizations need to strategize to overcome challenges and reap benefits. This involves handling inaccuracies and inconsistencies, striving for quick value realization, and delivering results while keeping costs under control. Strategies might include integrating capabilities into existing systems, outsourcing while developing internal AI expertise, and adopting an agile, iterative implementation approach. AI in Sales: A Productivity Aid or a Substitute for Salespeople? Generative AI is set to become every salesperson’s digital assistant, boosting productivity significantly. While AI is making customer self-service and inside sales more powerful and increasingly taking over tasks traditionally performed by field salespeople, complex sales situations will continue to require human salespeople. It’s essential for companies to find the balance between leveraging AI technologies and valuing the irreplaceable human element in sales. The Future of Sales: Embracing Generative AI The use of AI in sales is set to grow exponentially, transforming both customer interactions and internal processes. While there may be challenges along the way, the potential benefits of generative AI in the sales landscape are too compelling to ignore. Sales organizations must prepare to embrace this technology and navigate the evolving landscape of AI-assisted sales.

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BeReal the app of 2023

The app of 2023: BeReal Throughout 2022, BeReal, the photo-sharing app that gives you a small window to snap a photo with both front and rear cameras, has won over social media users fed up with Instagram and TikTok with its simplicity and fascinated by its desire for authenticity.  BeReal became Apple’s iPhone App of the Year and was cloned by its competitors, it hasn’t made any major updates, which is refreshing in an era when all social media platforms try to offer everything to all users. What is the app all about? It aims to share snapshots without editing or filters with a select group of friends, recreating the simplicity of early social networks that just showed what we were doing. Every day the application will give a notification at random times for the user to upload photos of what they are doing within two minutes. The camera simultaneously takes a front and back photo to show your face and your surroundings. Once the photo is posted, the user can access their followers’ content. In addition, each member of the app can have a maximum of 500 friends, which is unattractive for a corporate marketing strategy and makes it a fun place to be. Recommendations For security reasons, avoid sharing geolocation on BeReal and be careful not to reveal anything you don’t want to show, share confidential information or invade someone’s privacy. The scope for this 2023. Just take a look at social media when your daily notification randomly pops up to see the scope of the app’s popularity. As more people joined the platform and BeReal circles grew, some users began creating their BeReals during the highlights of their day rather than sticking to the designated release time. The change in the way people started posting on BeReal altered the “spontaneous” appeal of the app and sparked a discussion that instead of being a place to be real, BeReal was becoming all the platforms it was before, ie a target to show the best version of yourself, a place to get it wrong. Why use BeReal? The most obvious reason to use BeReal is to see what your friends are doing throughout the day. Like Snapchat, BeReal stores your previous posts in Reminders and you can go back in time to see what you’ve been doing each day you’ve posted so you can organize your posts based on what you want to remember each day and save all those moments in one place, reminiscent of the 1 Second Everyday app. Then, as BeReal’s initial charm fades, it transforms into something completely different: a new way of journaling in the modern era.

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Cryptocurrency Glossary

Cryptocurrencies are a world that works in a totally different way, this is why it has its own language. In the text below you will find words that will help you understand and communicate in this world in a professional way. Altcoin:Any currency that is not a Bitcoin. ADDY: Refers to the public address of a cryptocurrency. “AMA’s”Ask Me Anything or Ask What You Want, is an activity among users of the crypto world where they have the opportunity to ask everything about each project. ATH: Highest peak at which a cryptocurrency has been found. BAGHODLER: It is someone who has bought and held a cryptocurrency for a long time. Bear: It is the person who sells and plays against the currency. Bull: That person who buys and makes the currency go up. Burn: It is the action of transferring native Cryptocurrencies to an account where they will be permanently stored, said action must be public knowledge in order to validate the operation. Bitcoin (BTC):First Crypto created by Satoshi Nakamoto. CryptocurrencyIs a virtual currency or digital assets that are interchangeable and are not within the control of the government or financial institution Smart contractAn alternative contract that arises as a substitute to paper contracts, this has the ability to be executed without the need for third parties. Swap: When you change any cryptocurrency to another or change from current money to cryptocurrencies. Decentralization:This comes from not being part of any government institution or financial institution. Dapp: They are decentralized applications that allow you to create services that are not managed by a single entity. Dump: Time to sell a cryptocurrency. Ethereum (ETH): Global platform for decentralized applications with open source. FAQ: Frequently asked questions found in a section on the project website. FOMO: Fear of losing the opportunity to win on an investment. Fork: A bifurcation occurs when creating a code parallel to the main one. FUD: Strategy used in the crypto world to sabotage a project with these feelings: Fear, insecurity, doubt (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt.) Hodl: It comes from the phrase “Hold On For Dear Life” which refers to not letting go of what is in your hand. ICO (Initial Coin Offering): It has to do with the financing of projects, such as the birth and development of a new cryptocurrency. Mining: Issue new crypto assets and confirm operations on the blockchain. NFT: Piece of digital art with a digital certificate of ownership. Node: While the miner is the node it validates the transactions and creates the blocks, the node refers to the computer network of each machine. BLOCKCHAIN PROTOCOL: It is the algorithm that creates the rules of the game that must be met by the blocks in order to form the chain. Roadmap: Guide that is used in crypto projects to know the path that they will take. Rekt: Investor who has been ruined by the fall in the price of his investment. Shitcoin: Cryptocurrency without a future. To the moon: It refers to the moment when a coin rises. Token: It is a unit of value. “A digital asset hosted on a blockchain that allows its owner to be attributed to a third party through the blockchain.” NFT-whale: They are people who own a large amount of a currency by manipulating the price of the currency.

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An advertising agency for cryptocurrencies !?

After almost 20 years working in the world of digital communication, the time has come to put ourselves at the service of cryptocurrencies.

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