crypto marketing

Crypto Marketing. What is?

A cryptocurrency marketing strategy is something important for companies that are entering or looking to enter this crypto world to grow and prosper.

This must be planned consistently, this is crucial for any type of token, ICO, NFT, or cryptocurrency can be effective, because without one are few projects that manage to reach the soft cap.

But what is the most important thing to take into account about this industry?

The cryptocurrency market has expanded dramatically in recent years. There are thousands of companies with their tokens or coins so if you are a new company or want the one you already have to gain traction in this super-competitive environment it is important to take into account some strategies to take advantage of with digital marketing.

Cryptocurrency Marketing Strategy

Before discussing these strategies, you must first consider the objective of what you are going to market, many people think that ICOs, cryptocurrencies, and NFTs have the same marketing method but the reality is that they are not the same.

The strategies are as follows:

  • Create a website (works for all 3):

A site designed efficiently and that is pleasant with new users with a logical path helps a lot, besides you have to look to make clear any doubts that may exist.

  • Newsletter (more for ICOs and cryptocurrencies but can also apply to NFTs):

Always collect emails when you start encouraging your project, which is going to serve to start creating a list of subscribers to whom you can send the latest news about the project through an easy-to-read and attention-grabbing email.

  • Networking on LinkedIn (ICO):

It is a network that works perfectly to establish assignments and reach potential sponsors and influencers since its advantage is that people in this social network are more accustomed to direct messages about business.

  • Social networks ( The 3):

The importance now with common networks like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram are good for anyone to get to know you, a tip here is to keep them always updated, uploading eye-catching content and creating interaction with users.

  • Discord (mainly NFT but it can also be applied with cryptocurrencies:

It is one of the most important things for projects to have a space where all the people interested in the project can live in the same space together with the creative team. Here you can offer the latest news about the project, segment the community by roles, and help to avoid scams.

And so many other things that we at The Blue Manakin can help you set up

  • Airdrops (The 3):

Sending free coins or tokens help promote your project, these pitches are popular with investors and get people interested in the project.

  • Podcasts and live interviews (All 3):

Podcasts and streams are becoming more and more popular and there are many that talk about the crypto and investment world, having one is a good way to educate people about your product apart from having a high-quality reach.

  • Verify your project (all 3):

Let experts analyze your blockchain and ICOS projects and look for positioning on project rating websites.

  • Influencers (All 3):

A mutually beneficial assignment is created, where the influencer shares information and product advantage with their loyal audience, with whom they equally consent, giving you equal critique for review and analysis. But you have to keep in mind when getting an influencer that their content is relevant to the brand and what you want to communicate.

It is also important to verify what type of content our influencer shares since you will not give an ICOs project to one that only talks about NFT in their channels.

  • Telegram (ICOS and cryptocurrencies):

Telegram contrary to many social networks, allows crypto ads, apart from the fact that because of its end-to-end encryption it offers better security to operators. Using it well involves creating a committed community through its groups.

  • Get advice from a crypto marketing agency (all 3):

You can look for a marketing agency in your country or prepare your marketing team with some course. Always looking for that you can learn or advise everything about the crypto world.

In The Blue Manakin, we have the team to offer you a complete service, consult with us as we always care about helping and educating people who want to launch their projects but have no idea where to start.

We hope these strategies will help to improve your project, it is important to always keep up to date on what are the new updates about this marketing and the crypto world.

Remember that to reach investors and make them trust you it takes time to create an assignment so staying active and constant means better success.


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