The growth of market blockchain translates in greater internal competition. To distinguish yourself from competitors and reach potential investors, a good marketing strategy is essential.
One of the 3.0 marketing solutions offered by Blue Manakin are the collaborations with the reference communities are essential for the growth of any web 3.0 project.
There are several platforms in which communities interact more, the most representative are Twitter, Telegram and Discord. It is good to remember that choosing the platforms in which to communicate is not the only thing to do, a careful selection of the communities with which to interact is essential.
How is the collaboration with Community 3.0 organized?
There are several solutions that allow you to establish effective collaborations with the reference communities.
Our service allows you to optimize the interaction and involvement of any community through different 3.0 marketing strategies, including the organization of events such as airdrops, AMAs or competitions.
We are experts in 3.0 collaborations
In the 3.0 ecosystem there are infinite possibilities to collaborate with the communities present on the different platforms. The involvement of thousands of users represents great opportunities for growth, but also for risk, entrusted to Blue Manakin, we have extensive experience in the sector.