Social media & Community management

Social Media communication strategy

As part of our Social Media & community management service, we carry out a digital strategy which adapts to the needs of each client, and we do it in the following way:

  • We study the brand, its competitors and its current presence
  • We analyze the target and choose the most appropriate networks to impact you
  • We define an appropriate communication tone for the message and the receiver
  • We select the communication territories that best connect with your interests
  • Under these territories, we propose content lines
  • After all of the above, we create the content calendars that will be published in the different channels

Community Managers for the online community

Managing a community through an experienced community manager can increase your engagement, awareness and number of interactions exponentially.

Some of the factors that we constantly take into account when carrying out community management are:
  • The generation of conversation around the brand, product or service
  • The emission of messages that add to our objectives. Every message has an effect, we don’t miss an opportunity
  • We always maintain the defined communication tone in order to create brand unity
  • We watch over the quality of the content. It is better not to publish than to publish something that lowers the perception of the aesthetic and thematic quality of the account
  • We respond quickly to any interaction

Make conversation around the brand

Thanks to the brand and environment analysis we carried out in the initial strategy, we identified the most appropriate channels to make our target fall in love with us.

Once there, we just have to make them see us, look at us carefully and want to interact. If we go to the end, they will go home thinking of us, and the magic will have begun. But the challenge does not end there.

Depending on the channel, the creation of conversation around a brand varies greatly in intensity and form. But there is always one constant: it is important to maintain it, and this is achieved by constantly providing the user with interactions and valuable content.

At The Blue Manakin, we are experienced in creating conversation on every social media imaginable. And, as our name suggests, there is nothing we like more than dancing to make our target fall in love and create loyalty.