How to sell NFTs?

When you have an Ethereum NFT which is based on open source so you can create them on OpenSea and sell them on Mint or Foundation.

Taking OpenSea which is the largest platform for selling and buying NFT this is what you can do to sell NFT:

  • Primero ve a tu perfil de OpenSea.
  • Selecciona el NFT que quieras vender desde tu biblioteca o colección.
  • Seleccionas Vender en la parte superior derecha.
  • Pones un precio y ahí defines el tipo de venta: de precio fijo o subasta programada.

In the sale, you will have the OpenSea service fee, which is 2.5 percent, and the royalty for the creator, which is sometimes 10 percent.

You will then need to confirm your sale by signing a transaction. And that’s it. You will now be in a position to sell your first NFT.

If you want a more detailed guide to creating and selling NFTs, we have a blog where we already talked about it and we leave it here. If you have a great project idea, consult us and we can help you with everything you need to launch an NFT or cryptocurrency project.