Opensea is the largest marketplace for digital goods such as collectibles, video game objects, digital art, and other types of assets that remain stored in the Ethereum blockchain.
That is why below we will talk about some steps we must do to be able to publish and sell our NFTs through this marketplace.
Create a wallet, First of all, having a wallet is a prerequisite to moving around Opensea and virtually any other decentralized marketplace.
Metamask is a pretty good alternative to have your tokens and NFTs because it is the most used one. How to sell in Opensea? If you want to try to join this wave, here’s how to sell on Opensea in 5 steps:
Step 1: Make your gallery beautiful To produce a collection, click on Create – My Collections at the top right and the “Create” button. Enter a name for the collection, and a specification and upload a 350 x 350 image that works as a logo. Once we click on “Create”, a pop-up will appear mentioning that our collection was developed, so we click on “Add items”.
Step 2: Have a file that you want to make NFT. It can be audio, a tweet, a song, a video, a photo, a painting, or a digital drawing. Just keep in mind that it has to be something you own, and with that, you click on “Add items” in our collection, we log in with our wallet again and start generating our first NFT. Apart from this, we see 3 more possibilities to add: Properties, Levels, and Stats.
These are very useful if you create a collection and want to differentiate the properties they have from each other. Let’s imagine that we have a collection of characters for a video game and some have more levels than others or do more damage, that’s what the Stats are for: this section is often used if you are going to generate numerous variants of this NFT and you want the client to taste the total portion that is there.
Here are some things to consider for your NFT:
You must upload your file. Make sure it is no larger than 40 MB. You must fill out a certain form:
o Title
o Description
o External link
o Properties
o Levels (for example, if it is a set or if there are several pieces)
o Statistics
o Unlockable content (can be files, links, or other information that can only be seen by buyers)
o Specify if it is sensitive content
Step 3: once you have everything ready, launch the first offer, which determines how many copies of the NFT can be made. It also allows you to freeze the metadata.
In the end, click on create, and that’s it, you have your first token. Follow the rules that your wallet tells you. If you do not have ETH in the wallet at the time of listing, read Step 4.
Step 4: (optional): Buy Ethereum (ETH) You can search the internet for any dealer to get ETH to market. If you are using Metamask, you can click on Buy and with a card and a small commission, you can trade ETH.
Step 5: Once you create your token, you will get an option to sell it, you can choose if you are going to sell the work at a fixed price, to the highest bidder, or together with other works. You will also be able to choose in which cryptocurrency you want to get paid.
Now, think about that absolutely every transaction you make on the blockchain generates an expense, and this depends a lot on the size of your file and the data you have filled in this section.
Now you have to take into account certain expenses that are going to occur and why it was important to fund the wallet.
o The commission for OpenSea
o The wallet platform fee for the blockchain of the cryptocurrency to be used (Only at the beginning, for your next sales it will not be necessary).
o Commission people who refer potential customers to your art.
We hope this information can help all those artists who are looking to start selling their artwork through this medium.